Monocular Depth
- Submitted by
- Ke Xian
- Authors
- Ke Xian, Hongwei Zou, Xin Xiong, Zhiguo Cao
- Venue
- tbd
- Abstract
- tbd
- Runtime
- 81 ms
- External data used
- no
- Links
- There is no link to the paper.
- There is no link to the code.
- There is no link to the project website.
- Number of submissions
- 2
- Detailed results
Metric All day sunset snow rain night Scale invariant logarithmic error 1.54 1.00 1.33 1.85 1.82 1.69 Absolute squared error [%] 138.24 32.35 32.35 72.00 318.04 236.45 Root mean squared error of the inverse depth 197.73 89.54 152.02 282.58 228.90 235.62